How to Solve the Problem by Yourself

What exactly are you or Your Company's #1 DND merch?

Are you sure your #1 DND merch is every owned and produced by you or your company? Well, yes and no. Only you or your company owns it. No I don't mean that you have to do the product delivery yourself.

If you have employees, those are your number 1 merchandise. Your employees will handle delivery, cleaning, installation, maintenance, and that is your #1 merchandise. That even means when nobody is there! Or I mean no one!

That is why, you will run a successful business if you or your company can offer the #1 DND merch and services. Include in your marketplace.

If your DND merch or service is not #1 and not number 1 in any reason, or if it's not number 1 overall, then you should do the following:

* Do the numbers - take a sample or two from your competition to research what their #1 DND merch and service is and what yours should be.

* Distribute all or part of your #1 merch and service to all of your potential customers so that every client or potential customer.

* Your #1 will become your Most Important Merchandise. You'll find that those clients or prospects will come back - They'll come back again and again to your #1 because that merchandise is that important!

* If one of your products/services is losing money in the marketplace, then you have to do the same thing as your competition. If that does not mean anything to you then it's worse than losing money.

* But the problem lies in the conversation. If you only produce or sell #1 DND merch, then by definition it is the most important item that you can make. But, it's still losing money. So, now what? Why not do all your production and processing jobs yourself? But this is not realistic! But there is a better way

There is a 300% solution if you don't have time or people to perform all or part of it. It's called out of box solutions. That's what I am talking about. I will show you how to solve the solution by yourself.

Before I show you how to entirely solve the problem by yourself, I want you to know what it was and why it should be a concern for your business. So what's it?

You had around 100 potential customers in the market place ready to buy. They are placing advertisements, requesting information from you, re-building your website with new graphics, sharing your ecommerce site with their friends, buying DND merch off of your booth at trade shows. And then after all of that attention, the last thing that they want to have to do is come check out your booth at trade shows or see your ad on social media posts! Think about it... briefing all that effort and money doesn't leave a good return on investment. It's frustrating. They get frustrated and don't engage with your business.

You are constantly adding new DND merch without having to advertise anywhere else. It's the exact opposite of the outsourcing you wanted!

Your main product or service is #1 in your marketplace. The customer wants it. They are willing to pay you more than what you are providing your services for. You have to take the more time and effort to make your #1 the biggest thing. If you can't come to that conclusion, then your competitor will, even if they already have a better way of serving or helping their customers.

There is another way. However, You will have a much easier time converting your #1 into #2 if you focus on the analysis of your #1. Think about it, your customers will place all of the additional purchases or promotions in the order of #2, then #3 and finally #4. Now, as a savvy entrepreneur, Don't go out of business and get stuck in the then-is-now trap. That is where you will feel stuck with your business. If this is happening to you, Stop. You are killing your strengths with the process of your business. It's time to change!
